Number four is in his or her way. I am 11 weeks pregnant (well, I will be tomorrow) and it is time for me to let everyone know. Being pregnant is such a crazy thing for me. I look forward to it, I plan for it, and then when it happens I feel like I would rather be dead. It has taken three prior pregnancies for me to figure a few things out.
I have always thought that if I didn’t put make-up on, get dressed, and go on at least one outing every day I would get totally depressed. FINALLY I have learned that throwing up without make-up on makes the whole process much less frustrating. My friends don’t care if I am wearing make-up and I am more confident if I don’t have black all over my face. There is no point in getting dressed in anything that I would not wear as pajamas if I am going to spend all day on the couch anyway. And outings only make me sicker so why bother. So this pregnancy I have only put make-up on a handful of times, and I only get dressed and go out when I have to. I have found that I am throwing up much less as a result. Just as an example, I have had one full day in the last month. I went to Caleb’s Kindergarten orientation in the morning, met some friends for lunch in the afternoon, and went on a date that evening. After my big day I threw-up five times in the night and 6-8 times the next day. Even with medication it took me 4-5 days to recover. Why do that to myself!? So I have basically turned into a couch dwelling hermit, and the amazing thing is that I don’t mind. Of course I would like it if the house was clean, but oh well.
Like my other pregnancies I am taking Zofran and it really is the miracle drug for me. With my new lifestyle and steady Zofran I am really doing better this pregnancy than I have before with keeping food down. (This is the first pregnancy that I haven’t felt like I needed to go in to hydrate with and IV.) Even though I haven’t been as sick this pregnancy I have been really tired. (Is that because I am getting old?) I am so thankful to know that this feeling doesn’t last forever. I am really looking forward to getting some more energy in a month or two. I am thankful I can stay on Zofran through the end and that it is no longer the $45 a pill that it was with Caleb and Cara.
We are really looking forward to having this baby. It will not be our last, but I felt a great sense of urgency with this one. I know that this spirit is very anxious to come to earth and to our family. There will be about 18 months between this one and Andy, but the timing has been awesome. Andy is not yet mobile so I watch him roll around from the couch, and Caleb and Cara are great about taking care of themselves. I have to constantly remind myself this is what I want. It really is!
Kedzie is 20 and we celebrated in Utah
2 weeks ago
Holy crap! Congratulations! And kudos for listening to the Spirit. You are an amazing woman. Amazing. If I was you, I would have been like, "I'm done, dude. Done." Because you get so sick. You are truly selfless.
Yay for baby number 4! I can't wait to meet him or her and since he/she has been in such a rush to get here hopefully it can wait until you make it to the hospital. I know all about babies in a hurry ;).
Wow...that is soon after having your other baby. Congrats.
Congrats Carrie! And I'm impressed that you are thinking about more babies in the state you're in. You're a rockstar!
YEA!!! CONGRATS! What exciting news! I hope you start feeling better fun to be sick. I think lying by the couch is connected this pregnancy for me too--is that just how it's suppose to be?
ITS NOT THE LAST ONE!! You are freaking wonder woman. You know I have learned that as well having my 3rd that I don't have to go on an outing everyday to not go insane. I can still be normal. It does take awhile, congrats!!
Congratulations Carrie! I can't wait to meet him or her! I hope you feel better soon.
Congratulations Carrie! I am so happy for you and your growing family. Your children are beautiful.
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