With his four month birthday he got to start "tongue training" aka solids today. He smiled and cooed, but did very little swallowing he just let the rice sit on his tongue. He didn't gag or scream like my other kids. The only person gagging was Cara. I thought she was going to loose it she was so discussed. She kept saying "Big kucky, Andy."
This month Andy also got his first "hair cut". I am not sure if it really counts because it was just the snipping of the long hairs leaving him with a cute little blonde flat top, but it does look much better.
He also went to an Aggie Basketball game and got to meet Big Blue. He wasn't that excited about it, but Caleb and Cara go nuts for Big Blue.
Oh, I love his little expressions. He's so stinkin' cute!!! A haircut, already? Wow! My babies are always so bald... Micah is 8 months and there is just a little fuzz on his head. :)
He is soooo stinkin' cute. I just love his chubby little cheeks. They are awesome. It sounds like things are going great and I can't wait 'til Kedzie can meet Big Blue. Maybe when she's in college! Take care.
Oh what a cutie! Thanks for sharing! I love your hat--looks great!
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