Thursday, April 11, 2013

A trip to the big city

We had to get away for spring brake.  We did a little Salt Lake City trip.  We kicked it off with lunch at Chuck-E-Cheese.  Almost as good as Disneyland for the kids. 

The girls got Pedicures and Manicures at NIMA from Aunt Christina.

We stayed at a hotel in South Salt Lake for three nights.  Just the experience of staying in a hotel is something that the kids love.  Swimming first thing in the morning and last thing in the evening is really all they need, but we did get a two day connect pass and enjoyed some culture.

The Museum of Ancient Life at Thanksgiving Point is amazing!  Caleb was really looking forward to going there, and it didn't disappoint.

It was great to go to lunch at the Lion House on Temple Square with my Aunt Merle.  

Merle also took us to the 26th floor of the church office building, where she works, to check out the view.

We were so glad it turned out to be a nice day so that we could check out Baby Animal Season at This is the Place park.  We met Aunt Christina and Rory there.

Johnny was excited about the little chick.  Notice Josh is keeping it safe.

The crowds were really small so we even had enough time to hit the zoo before heading back to the hotel for the evening.  The polar bear is such a crowd pleaser.

Day two of the connect pass was much more laid back.  The kids enjoyed a few hours at the Discovery Gateway Children's Museum after we caught an iMax show about the Hubble telescope.

Before we checked in for some swimming Josh insisted that we go to the Museum of Natural History, which is new and really quite amazing.

On our final day we got to spend some time, between conference sessions, having dinner with my Aunt Vickie and her family.  I love seeing my cousins and my extended family.  I am grateful to have so many childhood memories with my aunts and cousins and it is always wonderful to spend time with them.

Check, check, check, check, our annual trip of culture and museums is complete and successful!

1 comment:

The Ravsten's said...

I'll be honest, wish we could do that! Glad you had fun!