Thursday, August 13, 2015

20 Years! Really??!

I seriously can't believe it has been 20 years since I graduated from High School!  People who graduated 20 years ago are old.  That is so weird since I'm not any older than I was the day I graduated.  Well, maybe a little older, but certainly not as old as people who graduated so long ago.

Josh had his 20 year reunion this summer as well.  They were both so fun and so very different.   Josh's reunion was so well planned.  I loved that they did a service project, ice breaker on Friday night with families followed by a fun family barbecue.  Saturday evening was a nice dinner at USU and a slide show and some awards.  It was nice conversation and a wonderful evening.

My reunion was on Saturday afternoon of "Rodeo Weekend" in Preston.  All of the Preston High reunions are Rodeo weekend so I'm sure finding a venue and catering is difficult.  Our reunion was at a classroom in the Library.  I thought it sounded less than exciting, but it was actually really enjoyable.  We played a Jeopardy game that brought back memories and then they had asked a few people to share some stories.  I don't have any crazy funny stories like the ones they told.  My jaw hurt from laughing.  It was a wonderful time!!  We also had a float in the rodeo parade.  I wasn't very excited about riding on it, but it was fun as well.  It did make me realize I have been out of Preston for a really long time because I knew very few people along the parade route.  After the parade a few of my closer girl friends got together with our families for a potluck dinner.  It was so fun to visit and catch up.

I didn't take any pictures of either of our reunions, but there was one big group picture from my reunion.

This is some of my girl friends at a Christmas slumber party at my house my senior year, 1994.  Of course the boys crashed it and I remember having so much fun.  I also remember one of my friends loosing her contact in a snowball fight that night.  It was dark and her contact could have been anywhere in the yard.  I suggested that we pray together.  Within seconds of saying "amen" one of the boys spotted it, picked it up and handed it to her.

I had the most wonderful friends.  We always had good clean fun.  We helped each other to choose the right.  Misty Esplin was my best friend starting in the 4th grade, all through high school and beyond.  It was hard to part ways with her when we went to different colleges after graduation, but we still keep in touch and see each other whenever we can.

One extra curricular activity I was very involved with was the Drug Free Council.  I was the president my Senior year and planned all of Red Ribbon Week for the high school.  The club went to a conference each year in SLC and one of the highlights of being in the club was an annual slumber party in the high school (complete with kissing tag.)

The music crowd was "my people".  I was very involved with band and choir.  I played the oboe and percussion in the band all the way through college.  I was honored to be in the show choir "Native Thunder" as well as A Cappella choir.  I went on a trip to Southern California with the choir as well as a trip to Washington State with the Band.  Among many other smaller trips to all state and other closer competitions.  Almost every party we ever had ended with us all around the piano singing.  I'm grateful I was blessed with such fantastic high school experiences!!

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