Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Life is good . . . school started!

Don't get me wrong, I love summer vacation.  I also love being with my children and doing fun things, but I am basking in the routine of being back to school.  At this moment I am having a private celebration with three kids gone and two sleeping.  Blogging and eating a cupcake in a quite house.  It could only be better if the kitchen was clean too, but if I took time to clean before enjoying the quite moment - the moment would be over.  

Caleb and Cara have gone to 7 days of school so far this year, and they are LOVING their teachers.  I think they must have some of the best teachers in the world.  They are seasoned, they are loving, they are fun, they have great ideas, and they have won the hearts of my children in the first week.  I am so grateful!  It is hard to believe that Caleb is already in 3rd grade and Cara is in 1st.  People say that time goes faster and faster the older you get, and I am experiencing a little bit of that.  Here they are together on the first day of school. 

This is the bus stop.  Yes, there are more than 20 kids that are 1st - 5th grade that get on at our bus stop.  It is so fun for my children to grow up around so many other children.

Andy had his first day of Joy School this morning.  He has been dying to go ever since the older kids started school.  Andy is going through a difficult phase.  I hope he snaps out of it soon.  He has become really whiny.  He is demanding and hits.  He has even started mumbling when he talks.  I try really hard to give him attention.  He is the true middle child.  Not only is he the 3rd of 5 kids but he is also the 2nd of 3 sons.  I really hope that getting back in school and having his own thing will help him to be a little more happy.  Andy is pictured here with his friend G on his first day of preschool.  

Life is good!

1 comment:

Kar said...

I wonder if it's a third child thing. Micah really struggles. In fact, I'm taking him to a psychologist on Friday. I just think it's weird that he is never, ever, ever happy. Maybe five minutes out of every 24 hours. We'll see what the doc has to say. The kids started school today, and I've got to say that it was the nicest day I've had in a really long time. Loving having them out of the house.