The kids loved their spontaneous play of supper heros,
and house. (Yes, Cara has a baby in her over sized dress-up dance outfit. I guess playing house has to include being preggo.)
Caleb and Isaac would have rather been playing Lego Star Wars or Lego Bat Man on the X-Box or Wii than going on any outing, but I tried to create some balance. I am a big park goer. I love the fresh air and like the kids to have variety.
Ali turned four months last week too. She continues to be a very pleasant baby. She is so balled, but there is lots of peach fuzz with promise of a full head of hair soon.
We all love her so much. I found Cara in Ali's bed snuggling and watching her mobil with her.
Ali loves the mobil! You can see from this picture how intently she watches it. A new mobil is the only new thing I have bought for her and I am so grateful it is battery operated unlike our old one that I had to hand crank.
Isn't it great to just be a kid.
And of course the warm water from the facet in the garage makes the back yard swimming pool much more appilling than it was when I was a kid!
Caleb and Cara are involved in a couple of summer camps. We have a little neighborhood coop with four moms and eight kids (seven boys and Cara). They go to "summer group" on Mondays from 11-2 and have some structured craft or activity and lunch. I am a huge fan of coops. They are also involved in a "summer camp" called Fun in the Sun sponsored by Providence City on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 11:30-1:30. This camp has lots of field trips and awesome activites. The kids love it! This week for summer group it was at my house and we water colored "Brown Bear, Brown Bear" books. The kids LOVE painting. Even Caleb stuck with it until his book was done.
Last week Josh and I also celebrated eight years of marriage. It is hard to believe that we have been married for that long. Does that make us old? I love, admire, and trust Josh more than ever. He is a harder worker than I expected and he is as great of a dad and husband as I could have ever dreamed of. Our life isn't perfect, but I am grateful that I found an eternal companion that is perfectly suited for me.
I have come to the conclusion that I want six kids. Josh and I had always agreed on five, but the more I think about it the more I want six. We will see if I can get Josh to come around. Three in dippers is too many, but six is great! It looks insane when I see other people with five or six little kids, but it doesn't feel insane (usually) when it is me. I even took my little clan to the store a couple of times to see if it was doable. I love to have a plan so of course I am already thinking about when I want to have my next one. I see huge advantages of having my family close together, and I dream about having all of my kids here and being able to do things as a family. Of course I dream about never being preggo again too. We will see how it all comes together, but for now I will try to focus on enjoying my four rather than getting my six here!
I think you might go straight to heaven if you put yourself through two more pregnancies. :) You're a better lady than I am. I am SO DONE after this one!!! If anyone can parent six kids with patience and love, it's you.
So cute. Glad to hear you are having such a fun filled summer and that you survived six kids. Awesome.
Good job Carrie! It looks like you guys are having fun, always! (Love the prego picture of Cara!)
If you can handle 4 why not 6. I can not beleive you said it out loud. LUV YA'
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