This year I decided to make a neighbor gift that the kids could help with. We have had a lot of fun making them so I am posting the idea so that you can make them with your kids. They make a great FHE activity/treat. They are just pretzels with kisses melted on them and an M&M on top. To make them put the pretzels on a tray with the kiss. The best kisses are the candy cane, but you can use any kind. Put them in the oven on 180 for about 5-6 minutes. Place an M&M on the tip of the kiss after they are melted and let them cool. They are a great treat and fun for the kids.
Thursday, December 20, 2007
Christmas Treats
This year I decided to make a neighbor gift that the kids could help with. We have had a lot of fun making them so I am posting the idea so that you can make them with your kids. They make a great FHE activity/treat. They are just pretzels with kisses melted on them and an M&M on top. To make them put the pretzels on a tray with the kiss. The best kisses are the candy cane, but you can use any kind. Put them in the oven on 180 for about 5-6 minutes. Place an M&M on the tip of the kiss after they are melted and let them cool. They are a great treat and fun for the kids.
Friday, August 31, 2007
Carrie Is 30!
Monday, August 20, 2007
NAI Lagoon Day
Ready for Church
Caleb wears a backpack with all of his chruch toys and snacks. Cara looks like a princess.
Getting a picture on Sunday morning is not an easy thing to do, but it is fun to see the kids in matching outfits.
Silly Cara
Wearing Caleb's pull-up is just one example of how silly she can be.
She would rather wear her bowl than eat from it.
She insists on carrying her blanket first thing in the morning.
She likes to push her doll around, but sometimes she just can't resist the temptation to sink her teeth into whatever is around.
She loves the water and doesn't even mind when Caleb tortures her.
All of this silliness in a day can wear a girl out!
Sunday, July 22, 2007
Bear Lake
Caleb and Isaac call this fun. It may look like a fight to the rest of us, but they can not get enough wrestling. They are 110% boy!
We spent both mornings at the beach. Ethan and Cara found great joy in destroying Caleb's sand castle.
The kids loved the water, especially Cara. She would run in sit down, gasp for air, splash a few times, and run back out. She was so fun to watch.
Saturday, July 21, 2007
Cara Loves to "Help"
Cara is my little helper. This was her third outfit in one day. I set her up to the bar to eat, and the next thing I knew she was sitting in the sink with the water on. What a girl.
Monday, July 9, 2007
Anniversary Trip
Josh and I had a wonderful fifth anniversary trip this weekend. We had been planning on going to Park City for the weekend, but a couple of weeks ago Josh got lucky at an NAI golf event and won a $500 gift certificate for the Blue Boar Inn in Midway. (It was a random drawing. It was not at all based on his golfing skills.) We were able to blow the entire $500 by staying at this very classy inn, enjoying some incredible fine dining, taking scooter rides around Midway and the nearby mountains, and we topped it off by taking a helicopter tour. We had a wonderful time. We feel so fortunate to be celebrating five wonderful years together! Thanks to our parents for taking the kids!
Monday, July 2, 2007
We have some exciting upcoming events. This weekend we will celebrate our fifth anniversary. A couple of weeks ago I was speaking at EFY and part of my bio was that I had been married for five years and I have two kids. I couldn't believe it! It felt like yesterday I was a counselor wondering if I would ever get married. Time sure does fly! We are looking forward to our big trip to France and Italy in September. Josh and I are clueless about what to do or see so if you have any insight we are certainly taking suggestions. All we have planned is that we fly into Paris and twelve days later we fly out of Rome. My mom is taking our kids (bless her heart!!) so it will be a celebration of our anniversary and both of our 30th birthdays this year.
The kids are just growing like crazy. We will be tied down for a while in August as they are both having surgery on the 13th. They are both getting tubes in their ears and their adenoids out, and Caleb is getting his tonsils out too. It should be interesting! But I am looking forward to having kids that don€™t always have ear infections, although they are both such a joy (most of the time) that you would hardly know.
Caleb continues to be obsessed with playing ball, any kind of ball. He was just introduced to golf this last week. Now he wants to go to the €œgolf-ball court€, the €œgolf-ball field€ or the €œgreen park€, of course he means the putting green, every day. He hasn€™t quite got the lingo down, but he is getting the sport. You name a sport that has a ball, and he can play it!
Cara went from crawling to running. She is such a busy girl. I don€™t remember Caleb being into things like she is, and he certainly wasn€™t as brave. We have a rock wall in our back yard that consists of about six big boulders at it highest spot. If I let her into the backyard alone or if I turn my back on her guaranteed she will be scaling the rock wall. For some reason she loves to climb down it. It gives me a heart attack, but she feels like she has got it all under control. She is fearless.
Sunday, July 1, 2007
Having Fun!
Our dear friends, the Low's, got a boat. We are really glad! We have tried to take as much advantage of that as possible.
This is our nanny Robyn. She is with the kids 10-15 hours a week so that I can work. They have a blast with her.
This was the first and last time Cara got to take a sink bath with her cousen Ethan. (Josh's sister, April's, boy.) They loved splashing. Needless to say my kitchen got a good wipedown after the bath.
Caleb and his best friend Isaac are just trying to "hang-loose" this summer.
First Hair Cut
Cody is Married
Cathie and Keith even made the trip out with their three little ones for the wedding.
Poor Steph now has to deal with the Owen girls!