You know it is spring when . . . the kids put on swim suits when the weather gets up to 60 degrees! Josh is great at "tricking" the kids into work. He makes it seem so fun to do awesome things like wash the cars. When they all have their swim suits on why not. Of course the cars may not have looked any better when they finished, but it was fun!!
Ali lost her first tooth. The first day it was loose she went on a fast it made her so nervous, but she quickly got over it and just wanted it pulled. It was driving her crazy! Luckily we have a few neighbors who are willing tooth pullers. It is so disgusting for me! Lacie helped Ali out with her tooth, and Ali couldn't be happier about it!
Cara loves the kitchen!! She love to cook and to eat! For years she has talked about how she wants to be a chef. She was thrilled when I signed her and her friend up for a 4H cooking camp. Unfortunately they taught them how to make cookies and other less nutritious foods, but the girls loved it and they are so excited to spend even more time in the kitchen.

Lacrosse season was short lived. Caleb obsessed over lacrosse all fall and winter. He just couldn't wait to play. We bought him $300 of equipment and paid $125 to register him. After the first week he was ready to quit. He didn't really have any friends on the team, and I'll admit it is a rough sport. Unfortunately practices were about 15 minutes away from 5:30-7 Monday, Wednesday and Friday, with no car pool. That meant that dinner was interrupted, FHE was interrupted, and date night was interrupted. We made him stick it out for the first two games, but when he still wanted to quit and wasn't playing with much heart we decided to cut our losses and move on. Caleb can never say we didn't let him try things. Sadly he is having a really hard time finding his niche.
We did get some lacrosse education as we sat through a couple of games. Now do we keep the equipment for our other boys or sale it?!
We have a very unique ward choir. It is a "family choir" and our family sings in it. We have an incredible choir director who arranges all of our music and puts children's parts into many of the songs. It is really a fantastic experience! A few weeks ago she told the kids she was going to bring them a "treat". She and her generous husband gave every child in the choir a $5 Aggie Ice Cream gift card! How awesome is that!!
Andy is such a fun kids. He is easy going, and "takes care of business" so to speak. He just gets his stuff done. He is easy incentivized by playing with friends or getting on the computer. This year he did enough reading to qualify to "rock the halls". It is a really fun incentive program. When students get enough points for reading they get to run down the halls of the school, behind the principal, while the students from all of the classes come out and cheer for them. They also get a medal and picture with the school mascot, Oreo.
There is probably no question about the fact that we have been keeping busy. One thing we did in April that made us more busy than usual was that the kids took swimming lessons. They were twice a week, and we signed up for the last session of the day so they could play at the pool after lessons. I think they made some good progress with their swimming skills, but they also had a great time at the pool!
Andy and his best friends all got on the same soccer team this spring. It is so fun for them to play together. They are a killer team. We don't even cheer when they make goals because they generally win each game by so far. They sure love to play together!
Cara has participated in tumbling for her "sport" this year. She loves it. It makes me a little crazy because I feel like it is a huge rip-off, but I do like to see her building confidence and coordination so I guess we will keep it up. She participated in a "junior olympics" this weekend and loved it.
To celebrate 10 years of being in our home we have decided to FINALLY finish our landscaping! This is some of our landscaping crew testing out our new rock to see how many of them could fit in it. They were hard workers two Saturdays in a row. The first Saturday they worked for ice cream, and the second Saturday they worked for a movie night. We know how to get the neighborhood boys moving!