We had a wonderful Christmas, how could we not with four excited children. I really try to enjoy the moment with them. People often remind me how quickly time will fly. They are so cute and excited about everything.
I feel guilty that I have not been a very fun mom for the past few months so I tried to plan at least a few fun things to celebrate the holidays. We went to the Pickleville Theater Christmas Show, and it was amazing. I would really like to make it a tradition. The kids got to see Santa before the show. We left Ali with my sister Connie. Andy was SO SAD that he didn't get to stay with Connie. He enjoyed the show, but I wish I would have saved myself the price of his ticket and let him hang out with his dear Connie. On the way to the show Josh asked him in an excited voice, "do you want to see Santa?" With tears he said, "no, I just want Connie." Josh and I both love live theater so much. It is exciting to me to instill that love of theater in our children. (I wish we had a picture of Ali with Santa.)
We also went to the city nativity. It was a beautiful night. I love helping the kids to remember the true meaning of Christmas. Ali didn't participate in the nativity, but she did dress up as a cute little angel.
While I am on the topic of Ali, she is a hand full!!
I overheard Cara tell Caleb, "We should sell Ali. She is such a naughty maker."
Caleb said, "No, I think we should keep her. I think she will learn to be good when she is bigger."
Ali can someday think Caleb for convincing Cara that she is worth keeping.
Cara was also an angel (blowing her horn) and Caleb was a shepherd (front and center in the striped robe).
Andy was a perfect wise man. I am grateful to have friends that are willing to go to the effort to provide children with good experiences such as this.
Andy is so sweet. One of the best complements I can give him is to rave about how "big" he is getting. At age 3 being big is awesome. The other day I did something nice for him and he said, "mom, you are so big. You are getting bigger and bigger." I smiled and thanked him knowing where his heart was. Not exactly a complement at my age.
The kids each got what they asked Santa for for Christmas. Caleb was thrilled with his Lego Ninjago Spinners.
Cara asked for a real magic wand. She got one, and she was very sad that it didn't really do magic. She tried so hard to be a good sport.
Andy got a "Cars" car track.
Ali (and everyone) got a mini kitchen. They really like it.
The pillow pets were also a huge hit. Why didn't I come up with the idea of pillow pets?! So simple, yet the kids think they are the best. They all sleep with them. Took them on vacation, and love them!
Christmas morning was great. You can see that even putting the toys together was fun.
Of course we had a wonderful time at my parents on Christmas Adam and Eve. They kids love it there. It is just sad when my sister Cathie's family doesn't come, cousin's are always missed. We spent Christmas day with the Kirk's. We were all totally spoiled especially by Josh's sister Christina and her hubby Ross. They sure know how to shop and shower the family with gifts. The kids love to be with their cousin Ethen. Family is such an important part of live. We feel thankful to live so close to our families!
I had one day that I felt good after Christmas. (Like I only threw up once or twice and didn't want to die which is incomparably better than what I had been doing.) It made me feel cabin fever so I planned a last minute trip for New Years. The only time we could go was directly after Ali had her ear tubes replaced and her adenoids out. She was a trouper on the trip. I was very merciful with the Tylenol with Codeine and she did great. Here she is with my mom after surgery. She was not a happy patient.
I shouldn't admit that we went from surgery to meet up with the rest of the family at Chuck E. Cheese. Luckily they had already been there for a while so Ali and I didn't have to stay long. Chuck E. Cheese was the unanimous best part of our little vacation. We spent a couple nights at a hotel in Salt Lake. The kids loved the pool. We went out to dinner at one of my favorites, The Spaghetti Factory with our friends the Campbell's. (I even kept it down!) The kids thought Santa's sleigh was cool.
The second day we got a SLC Connect Pass. We spent the morning at the Discovery Gateway Children's Musiem. The kids love it there! I am done after a few hours, but I think they could spend all day.
We went to an I Max show that even Caleb dared to wear his 3D glasses. It was about monkeys and elephants. Just his pace. Not too scary. Ali and I spent the afternoon napping while the rest of the crew went to the new Leonardo Museum and the Natural History Museum. I have to put a plug in for the Natural History Museum at the U. The kids LOVE IT and it is good for adults too! We finished the day with dinner at the Lion House and Temple Square Lights. I'm sure there was a plunge in the pool somewhere before bed too.
I even put on my suit to go to the pool once.
Cara said to me, "you are getting a fat tummy."
My reply was, "let's call it a baby tummy, not a fat tummy."
She looked at me and said, "I know there is a baby, but other people are going to think that you eat bad food."
On the bright side, at least she didn't call me lazy.
The trip ended with a morning of swimming and a movie. Andy was so exhausted when we got home on New Years Eve that he barley made it into the house. I was tired too. I brought in the new year by going to bed at 8:00. Good thing Josh is happy going to friends without me. We both did just what we wanted.
February fun
2 weeks ago